Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthdays of Tears

Oct 27: Marci's birthday. He would be 13 this year.
Oct 30: Petra's birthday. She would be 10 years old on this day.

More than 8 years after his crime, Ciaran Tobin, who killed two children in Hungary on April 9, 2000, is still a free man. Hungary never really cared to punish him, and nor has Ireland. Shame on both.

The Foundation will continue to draw attention to the tragic fate of Marci and Petra, children of Leányfalu, Hungary, and the appalling mockery of the Hungarian judicial process that ensued after Ciaran Tobin's crime.

Rest in Peace, children. We love you and we shall continue to fight for you.


  1. Médiától függetlenül gyakran eszembe jut ez a szomorú eset. Három gyermekes apa vagyok.
    Elkeserít a tehetetlenség.
    Elképzelni nem tudom, hogy lehet ezt feldolgozni...

    This sad story is often in my mind without news too.
    I am a dad of three children.
    Inability distress me.
    I am not able to imagine how is it possible to be recovered from it...
    Carry on

  2. Its a shame, that crimes connected to money laundering and other money issues are dealt fast in court and this case where lives were taken can be prolonged and not given any justice. I am a mother too and I am even afraid when my child will go to school how it will be, listening to all the news in this crazy world.

    Szégyen, ahogy a pénzmosáshoz és egyéb gazdasági bűncselekményhez tartozó ügyeket gyorsítva intézik a bíróságon addig ez az eset, ahol életeket vettek el, így elnyújtják és nem szolgáltatnak igazságot. Én is anya vagyok és attól is félek mi lesz, ha amjd a gyerekem iskolába megy, hallva a híreket, ebben az őrült világban.


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