by Edit Herczog (PSE)
to the Commission
Subject: Legal certainty for European Union citizens
On 9 April 2000, Ciaran Tobin, an Irish citizen, caused a fatal accident in Hungary: travelling in excess of the permitted speed, he drove onto the pavement and knocked down two Hungarian children, who both died. The man left the country in the autumn of that year and has not returned since. A European arrest warrant was issued for him by the Hungarian authorities; however, this was finally overturned on appeal by the Irish court on the grounds that he had legally left Hungary. This case, which remains unresolved after 8 years, caused a great public outcry in Hungary, where an explanation of the present situation is still awaited. Does the Commission intend, in the light of these tragic events, to review Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States ? Does the Commission intend, in the interest of legal certainty for Community citizens, to monitor the implementation of the European arrest warrant and analyse the experience of its use so far?
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